group TOMORROW X Twogether has covered the cover of Japan Fashion Magazine ar.
TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taihun, and Huening Kai) appeared on the cover of Hamlet in the December issue of Japan Fashion Magazine ar, which is scheduled to be released on the 12th. Ar's Hamlet publication and cover decoration is the first overseas The Artist to be TOMORROW X Twogether.
TOMORROW X Twogether showed off its aspect as a 'fourth generation it boy' by trendy digesting pink casual costumes that match accessories such as berets and caps. Especially in the image that was released on the 5th, the five members winked or frowned, and made a playful atmosphere with a personality and humorous expression.
Interviews that are only available on Hamlet cover a variety of topics, from stories about Japan's first EP 'Chaotic Wonderland' to stories that give a glimpse of the daily life of TOMORROW X Twogether, including living in a hostel.
Members Yeonjun commented on the song "0X1=LoveSONG (I Know I Love You)" (Zero Esporte Clube Bahia One Love Song) from "Chaotic Wonderland" as a feature song by singer-songwriter Ikuta Lira, "It was my first collaboration with Japan The Artist, but it was an honor, and I finished a song that was too good. I’m glad to be there,” he said, raising expectations for the new song.
TOMORROW X Twogether, which is Loved by Z generation fans around the world, releases EP 'Chaotic Wonderland' on Japan on the 10th.
ar December special issue offer