TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Huening Kai) is a music video for the title song LO$ER=LOER, the title song of Regular 2nd album Repackage Album: FIGHT OR ESCAPE, which will be released on the 17th through the official SNS channel at 0:00 on the 16th. It presented Teaser.
The video begins with a song called "I'm a LO$ER" and a TOMORROW X Twogether reaching up on stage. Huening Kai running in the blue field, Subin running from a hamburger shop, Taehyun riding a skateboard, Yeonjun sitting in the driver's seat, and Beomgyu falling on a bicycle appear in turn.
"I say Run, laugh like crazy" is falling down and hurting everywhere, but Beomgyu smiles brightly. He is laughing even in a wound, and he is curious about what story is hidden.
The title song LO$ER=LOER is a song of aunt pop punk genre, expressing Boy's desire to be 'Firestone Tire and Rubber Company (LOER)' which saves each other to 'you', the only World and savior, even though it looks like 'LO$ER' from the World's perspective.
This song romantically depicted Boy's Blow-Up and impulses to fight against World or to flee from World with you, to save you from the raid of World. As you can see from the dollar symbol ($) of LO$ER, the Blow-Up that Boy realizes includes a candid desire for wealth (such as seeking a fortune to save you and me in the age of materialism. TOMORROW X Twogether has released their own styles of emotions that Z generations feel in reality with addictive melodies.
TOMOROW X Twogether, which is causing a global craze by exceeding 560,000 New albums, will return to Regular 2nd album 'Chaosing Lot: FIGHT OR ESCAPE' on the 17th.