Seo Jeong-Hee, Broadcaster, expressed his candid thoughts about Vallejo.
On June 22, Seo Jeong-Hee wrote on his Instagram account, "It's obscene to hide the human body; my body is the temple of my art; I thought of Isadora Duncan. We did social adaptation, level testing, we didn't pass, we fell in the tournament. I felt deeply frustrated, but I still have no change in loving Vallejo. "
Seo Jeong-Hee, wearing a Vallejo suIt in the public photo, boasts a slender figure. During Seo Jeong-Hee, who is not believed to be 60 years old, beauty and elegant atmosphere catch his attention.
Seo Jeong-Hee said, "Some people say to me, 'Don't dare. I don't deserve to discuss Vallejo. I know. I like that. I love Vallejo. I'm impressed by the Navila drama. Are you mad at this? All you've ever done is love Vallejo?"
"Duncan said, "Everyone enjoys Vallejo. That's my Vallejo." I like this. How about not? If I can't sing, I'm just enjoying It. I just imItate It. "
On the other hand, Seo Jeong-Hee has been actively engaged in the publication of the essay "Good to Live Alone" in May last year after divorce wIth Seo Se-won in 2015.
Currently, Seo Jeong-Hee is appearing on various broadcasts wIth his daughter Seo Dong-joo.
Hiding the human body is obscene. My body is the temple of my art. I thought of Isadora Duncan. I did a Vallejo test, I did a level test, I didn't pass, I fell in the tournament, I felt deeply frustrated, but I still have no change in loving Vallejo. Some people say to me, dare you. I don't deserve to discuss Vallejo. I know. I like It. I love Vallejo. I'm impressed by the Nabilera drama. Is this mad? For love of Vallejo? Duncan said. "Anyone enjoys Vallejo. That's my Vallejo." I like this. How about if you don't sing. I'm just enjoying It. I'm just mimicking It.