Keyeast Entertainment, 'School violence' JiSoo handout... 'Dalte River' Lawsuit with Production company is left

Keyeast Entertainment, a subsidiary company, has canceled its contract with actor JiSoo, who was virtually removed from the entertainment industry due to the controversy over School violence. The only thing left is the Lawsuit with Production company Victorious Content of 'The Moon Rising River'.
Keyeast Entertainment said in an official position on the morning of the 27th, "I will inform you that the exclusive contract with our actor JiSoo has been terminated."
Keyeast Entertainment explained that the reason for the termination of the contract was "because JiSoo decided that it was difficult to work now." He said, "I respect the actor's intention that does not want to harm my company anymore, and finally decided to terminate the contract under mutual agreement."
"We will do our best to solve the ongoing 'Lawsuit' related to the 'Moon rising river' until the end," he added.
JiSoo was caught up in the School violence controversy on March 2. At that time, a netizen exposed JiSoo's School violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault through an online community. And two days later, JiSoo immediately admitted and apologized for all his sins through his Instagram: "I sincerely apologize to those who have suffered from me. There is no excuse for any past misdeeds, these are unforgivable actions," he wrote.
In addition, the KBS Viewer Rights Center has a petition asking for JiSoo's KBS2 monthly drama 'The River to the Moon', and the next day, JiSoo finally got off at the 'River to the Moon' in six times.
But here was the problem. 'The River with the Moon' was pre-produced and 90% of the shooting was completed, so I had to do all the shooting again in the situation where I left only the editing work. In particular, the additional cost of re-shooting was the biggest problem.
Fortunately, most actors showed their willingness to re-shoot without additional costs, so they could lessen their concerns about the production cost. Nine Woo, who joined the new role of Ondal, also soon showed up in the "Moon rising river" and the drama resumed broadcasting without any hesitation.
Nevertheless, additional costs such as Nine's salary, labor costs, and rent were inevitable, and the departure of JiSoo had a big impact on advertising contracts. Victorious Contents, the 'Moon River', demanded damages, but the negotiations did not proceed smoothly. And eventually Production company filed a claim for damages against Keyeast Entertainment on February 2.
The Lawsuit has been in 'current progress' for more than a month. Victorious Content said on the 26th, "The first adjustment date was held on the 20th, but no one from Keyeast Entertainment attended. Even Keyeast Entertainment claimed in its preparatory letter submitted just before the date of the adjustment that it was not responsible for breach of contract. Keyeast Entertainment is distorting both facts that the School violence is not true, and is committing a second offense to actors, directors, writers and all staff who have suffered from re-shooting as well as our company. "