'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest' Song Chang-eui comes to Oh Ji-young's house Park Seo-joon?

Song Chang-eui Jealousy Explosion A super-class guest comes to Song Chang-eui Oh Ji-young's house.
On SBS 'Sangsangmong Season 2 - You Are My Destiny', which is broadcasted at 11:10 pm on October 19, Song Chang-eui Oh Ji-young and his wife are trying to solve the problem of 'rejecting urine' of their daughter Ha Yul.
Song Chang-eui Oh Ji-young and his wife have been troubled recently when their four-year-old daughter, Ha Yul, suddenly refused to urinate. Song Chang-eui's wife Oh Ji-young surprised everyone by saying, "Sometimes, Ha Yul-yul does not go to the bathroom all day." MCs were worried that they should meet the teacher once and that they had such a tendency.
In the end, Song Chang-eui Oh Ji-young and his wife visited the Children's Psychological Counseling Center to find out why their daughter, Ha Yul, refuses to urinate. While studying Ha Yul's inner heart through play evaluation, the two heard the shocking results and fell into a 'mentbong'. Song Chang-eui expressed his sorry for his daughter, Ha Yul, saying, "I did not know that it would affect the child." Oh Ji-young also said, "I think it is because of me."
pear hyo-ju