Actor Jung Woo-sung appeared on a current affairs talk show hosted by Kim Eo-jun, the head of the Daily, and spoke about his thoughts about the attack on the malicious Comment.
Jung, who appeared in the 35th episode of Kim Eo-jun's Dasboida on the 20th, recalled being criticized in June for showing his position to view Yemen Refugee, who is staying in Jeju, as an equal person, not a potential criminal.
Chung, who was appointed as a goodwill ambassador to the UN Refugee Organization (UNHCR) in 2014, has been interested in improving Refugee human rights.
Some of the forces that expressed their dislike of Refugee were on Jung's SNS with a Comment saying, "It is hypocritical to live in a house with CCTV in a good neighborhood and accept Refugee."
When asked by Kim Eo-jun whether such an attack had hurt, Chung replied, “Not so.”
“Can’t you live in a bad neighborhood for half a life and now live in a nice neighborhood? I’m a self-made person,” he said. In the personal attack Comment that "bag strap is short", Jung responded coolly, saying "it is right."
“But what I was worried about was ordinary citizens who lacked understanding of Refugee,” Chung said. “If they believe in fake information, they should spend time and energy to reverse that idea. “I was worried about how and how to turn it back.”
There was also suspicion that certain operational forces were involved in malicious Comment, Chung said. “I asked Kim Eo-jun in a letter, but he did not express his thoughts in Comment, but he seemed to move in a given pattern,” he said. “I was rather comfortable when I found out that there was a Comment Falsify force. “I just need to find out, but I was worried about how to turn the idea of the general public (Refugee hate).
Chung said he is also worried that more people are not interested in the controversy. “Some people who don’t want to be in a fight, and others who don’t want to be indifferent because they don’t like harsh swearing,” he said, referring to the side effects of Comment Falsify.
Jung said he read all of the evils related to Refugee carefully. "I do not see any Comments about personal actor activities. I have my own principle that praise and swearing are not mine. "But I have to look at all the Comments related to Refugee. “It’s because you need to know the psychological state of the person who swears,” he said.
When asked if revealing political views would be constrained by actor activities, Chung said, I don't care much.
“I got everything in my life, but what would I lose?” he said, “What if I did something fair and lost a little bit?”
Jung introduced his favorite line in the film, which he recently finished filming: “There is an ambassador asking me, ‘Are you a good person?’ I hope that this question will be asked to many places in Korea and that it will be made to myself all the time.
Jung also told the story of his relationship with Kim Eo-jun as he narrated the documentary film The Day, the Sea about the cause of the sinking of the lake. At that time, Jung said that he was in charge of narration without any conditions even in opposition to his agency
“I’m getting older, but I think I should act right as a senior, but I’m getting bigger and bigger,” he said. “I think we should have enough voices before entertainers and the people can ask for politics.”
Regarding Kim Eo-jun, Chung expressed friendship, saying, "I want to buy a lot of meat." "I am a factory manager, a general manager, but I called him a brother because I wanted to have a special meaning in the relationship."
“I wanted to tell you about the kernels, not the shells, about a person named Jung Woo-sung,” Kim said. “I hope I will become a role model for (the actors).