Song Seung-heon, I've put everything down...Just looking at the picture, it's a 'poison' ('SNL Korea 3')

Actor Song Seung-heon will appear as the first host of Season 3 of the Coupang play comedy show 'SNL Korea' and open a new season. Song Seung-heon challenges SNL Korea to perform comic performances that have never been shown anywhere. First of all, in her 'X' corner, which is a parody of real love entertainment, she appeared as the first X of Suzie, and her pine-like caterpillar competes with other Xs with a perfect visual that makes her understand the birth of Eyebrow taste and a pure brain . In the corner of the same name parodying the movie 'The Gnome was cool', it was disassembled into Song Seung-heon, the king of Sanggo, and the perfect uniform fit, along with his wife Ju Hyun-young, as well as his rival Shin Dong-yup, Burning and still emanating the presence of a nice guy. 'Protect the Earth!' In the corner, he plays the role of John Zal Alien Song, who can not be concealed by unconventional visuals. In addition to this, in 'Emergency Rescue 911', Franklin is an unlucky boy who has been in an accident in a precious area, and in a corner where 'I am solo' is parodyed, 'I am overworked' 19 at 8 p.m. on Coupang Play.