Kim Hye-soo was amazed at the out-of-wedlock of son Yoon Sang-hyun. In the tvN Saturday drama ⁇ Schrup ⁇ 12 times (playwright Parkbara / directing Kim Hyung-sik) broadcasted on November 20, Kim Hye-soo (Kim Hye-soo) I faced the problem of. In the broadcast on this day, Im Hwa-ryeong confronted Dae-bi (Kim Hye-soo) on the issue of visiting Sejabin, with Prince Sungnam becoming a crown prince. Contrast tried to present the worst bride to the taxa, and Lim Hwa-ryong made Yun Chungha (Oh Ye-ju) who made a point by using the inside in reverse. However, the taxa misunderstood the situation, and Yun Chungha regarded him as a person of contrast and made a mistake by leaving him alone in the room from the first night. Here, a new incident began, saying that Muan's grandfather, Jung-in, came to the palace with his child and came to find his father, and suddenly disappeared and made Muan's army uneasy.