Rain was humiliated by special guest Oh Ye Ju. Chungha (Oh Ye Ju) was on his way to find Seongnam Dae-gun (mun sang-min) in the 7th episode of TVN Saturday drama ⁇ Schrup ⁇ (playwright Parkbara / directing Kim Hyung-sik) broadcast on November 5th. Previously, Chungha lent mOney to Seongnam Dae-gun, whom he met by chance, and went to the promised place on the day Seongnam Dae-gun decided to pay the mOney, but he was greatly disappointed. Chungha did not know anything about Seongnam Dae-gun and just lent mOney for his medicine because of his good looks. Chungha missed Seongnam Dae-gun and searched for him. Chungha is looking for a handsome man who has taken a lot of mOney. "Have you ever seen him?" He pushed his face, and the man said, "No. I don't think so, I replied. Chungha was disappointed and said, "Have you ever seen such a handsome man?" "If you do not have it," he said, "I'm going to go and get angry," and the man said, "What about me?" When Chungha was disgusted, the man laughed at me as if he was embarrassed. Rain gave Chungha a different kind of fun in a humiliating way compared to Seongnam Daejun.