It is unnecessarily uniform. "Kang Daniel, who has been making rash words and phrases since debut and repeating the same mistake, has become the" Icon of Run the client ". Kang Daniel made a speech to cheer on competitor B's products, not sponsor A, who produced and supported the program on the cable channel Mnet 'Streetman Fighter', which was broadcast live on the night of the 8th. During the closing, he said, "I'll say hello to the advertisers," and suddenly exclaimed, "OOO (Company B) is delicious. It's a joke. Yes, half of it is true." "Kang Daniel seemed to be confused for a moment because the heat on the scene was so hot. It was a mistake to misrepresent Brand. I'm sorry to viewers and advertisers," the agency said in an official apology. He explained that he was confused, but there were many online suspicions that he was trying to "fix the sponsor" because he had lost credibility and authenticity as an MC as he had been controversial with Run the client just a few months ago. I made the worst mistake of doubting the quality of the host during the Live broadcast, but it is not surprising to look back at Kang Daniel's controversial history. Back in the past, Mnet 'Produce 101 Season 2' appeared in 2017, which was before the official debut, and caused controversy about cheating by inducing fans to vote for their favorite contest using SNS introduction. In the end, Kang Daniel apologized, "I will think about it more and act. I'm sorry," and turned the social network service into private. Even after debuting to the Wanna One Center with the "One Pick" of the national producer, the entertainment industry was turned upside down by blatantly expressing complaints about "settlement" among online Live broadcasts. Kang Daniel, who has no intention of losing like this, is on a regular basis with rash words and phrases. Even to fans who want to walk only the 'flower road', he says, It is bitter because there is only 'Run the client road' which should not be crossed.