Singer Kang Daniel once again stirred up a controversy by mentioning competitors' products, not advertisers, on the Live broadcast stage. It was a surprise for advertisers who supported the program for six months. Kang Daniel thanked the advertiser at the end of the show, but the advertiser he thanked was Trevi, not Seagram. "I'd also like to thank the advertisers. (out loud) Trevi is delicious! It's a joke. I mean half of it." (Kang Daniel) Kang Daniel, however, shouted "Trevi is delicious" during the Live broadcast, saying, "Thank you to the advertiser." The main sponsor is in a state of embarrassment. A broadcasting official accused him of "an MC who does not even know the basic rules." "We don't want to be polite to advertisers. At the very least, we shouldn't be rude," an advertising source said. "No MC has praised competitors' products in previous broadcasts." This is not the first time Kang Daniel has been criticized. In July, he said in a private message exchange with fans, "Small people are too comfortable because they are men. I'm not sucking." He continued, "I was scared when I was a girl Singer. I didn't stop, calling them 'sisters with tight eye lines.'" When some fans criticized him, he replied, "They would get angry if they went to a stand-up comedy. Let's live comfortably." Kang Daniel is a former idol auditioner. On the other hand, Kang Daniel's agency, Connect Entertainment, apologized on the 9th, "The final fever was so hot that I was confused and misrepresented Brand." "Mnet" removed the comment from the replay and put in a BGM, and then came up with a solution (?) saying, "We will revise the last part of Kang Daniel and rerun it."