Kang Daniel, a Coca-Cola Coca-Cola... Coca-Cola Coca-Cola official, said, "The claim for compensation is unfounded. I was going to hand it over to Happening."

Kang Daniel is Coca-Cola Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola Coca-Cola said, "I decided to hand it over to Happening." Some of the claims that they demanded compensation were "not true." Kang Daniel, who played MC in 'Small Wave' broadcast on the last 8 days, mentioned competitor T Carbonated water, not Carbonated water, which was supported by 'Small Wave' production. At the time, Kang Daniel said, "I would like to say hello to the advertisers. It is delicious. It is a joke. I am half sincere." The Carbonated water 'TXX' product he mentioned is Lotte Chilsung beverage product, not the official sponsor of the program, Coca-Cola Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola Coca-Cola is one of the major sponsors of the hundreds of millions of won advertising fee for 'Smanpa'. Coca-Cola Coca-Cola's Carbonated water 'XX' product has been steadily exposed for 6 months of program production and 3 months of broadcasting period. However, in the last Live broadcast where people's attention is focused, the host has been promoting the rival products, so the parties are all in trouble. Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, Kang Daniel's agency explained the day after the broadcast, "It was a mistake to misrepresent Brand on the air. I think there was a moment of confusion because it was the final scene where the heat was so hot. I'm sorry to viewers and advertisers." CJ ENM deleted the relevant remarks from the "Replay" service. A Coca-Cola Coca-Cola official said, "We have not discussed the compensation, we tried to hand it over to Happening," he said.