The story of Lee Dong-gook's daughter Jassy, who sat down at the Airport and cried? "Mother, leave your luggage" ('What time is it? Jassy!')

Jassy sat down on the floor of the Airport after her mother had left her luggage. Lee Dong-gook's daughter Jassi's YouTube channel "What time is it now?" (Jaesi), which was unveiled on the 21st, depicted Jassi's mother leaving her luggage while Jassi left for Italy. "Following Paris Fashion Week, I'm going to the Milan Fashion Show," Jassy said. "To get to Milan, I'm going to take Planes to Rome. I don't think anyone's taken more Planes than I have this year." "The costume concept is a constellation myth," Jassie said. "It's hard to get around and it's hard to get around. I try to do my best, "he said, drawing Eye-catching. But Jassie sat down at the Airport and cried for her mother. Jassie boarded a train from Rome to Milan, where Jassie revealed a profile picture of her twin Jassie, affectionately stating "Jassie loves me so much" and attracted Eye-catching. Jassie enjoyed hotcakes. Jassie brought up the story of her sisters' fight. Jassie said, "It's really funny when the kids fight. If Sua betrays her, how can you do this to me? Xian is looking at me like this from the side, "he said. Meanwhile, Jassie is the daughter of Lee Dong-gook, former national soccer player, and Lee Soo-jin, a 2005 Miss Korea Hawaiian beauty.