Lee Dong-gook Twins daughter Jash has been surprised to receive Italian Fashion Week this time after Paris.
On the 27th, Jash posted a photo on his personal SNS.
In the open photo, Jashi is standing on the runway wearing a shabby princess dress that looks like it just popped out of a fairy tale.
Despite being a middle school student this year, Jash revealed an amazing Fijical that was not like a middle school student, especially as if he had already become a Model. The height is known as 171cm, and the Model DNA was shown from the oak leaf.
Jash certified it by tagging Milan Fashion Week, saying it was "#Milanfashionweek" with a thank you "Best day of my life Thank you (thank you for the best day of my life).
Previously, Jashi attended the first Fashion Muse selection contest held in March and was selected as Muse and was on the 22FW Paris Fashion Week runway. He was invited to the first Fashion Muse contest and told the recent situation that he was one step closer to Model's dream. At that time, Jash had a dream about Model, so the news that he was running in Paris became a hot topic.
He also mentioned the fashion week runway that he spent at Paris at the time, appearing on the channel A entertainment program "Super DNA Blood is a trick" (abbreviated blood is not tricked) which was broadcast in April next month. A video showing a dignified walking with a different proportion was also released. At that time, Jashi went into exercise with Twins Jae-ah and was surprised to reveal her body and Fijical that were not like junior high school students.
Among them, I was surprised to hear that Jashi received the latest report of Italy's Milan, which is called the home of fashion after Paris, and wondered whether it started the Model activity in Europe in earnest.
On the other hand, Jash resembled his athlete father Lee Dong-gook and his mother Lee Soo-jin from Miss Korea, and poured Model Force with his tall and long legs. However, last year, he said he was taking acting classes, saying he had turned his dream to Actor, not Model. He said that he was still breathing the Model figure, which became a hot topic, ranking the top in the real-time rankings of famous portal sites.