Sung Yu-ri "Gift to My boyfriend by selling luxury watches because I didn't have any money during the Fin.K.L" ('Breaking Crédit Agricole')

Sung Yu-ri has been honest about his past Love experience.
KBS Does the breakup also be recalled? on the 22nd? In ', the story of Crédit Agricole, who breaks up with 'First Love', was drawn.
On the day, Sung Yu-ri asked Crédit Agricole planners, "What Memory does First Love remain?" "I have a Love that I have done so far, but I do not want to do my first Love yet?" Yang Se-hyeong said, "There are many people who do not know what First Love is like that." "The standard of First Love I think is that it is First Love that I can not sleep while thinking about someone and keep thinking about him." "I have never liked anyone that much," he said. "The more I do, the more I learn."
Jang Youngran boasted that "my husband is my first Love." However, he threw a stone fastball saying, "I do not think so," and soon he laughed, "I have come out of my heart."
Brave Girls Yu-Jeong, who starred as a daily Crédit Agricole Planner, said, "My first Love is a person I am curious about. When I suddenly think about it, I think I want to be good. " "I met him at the age of 24 when I was in high school, and I met him again and again," he said. I felt good when I heard about marriage. Someone too good to do marriage. (Love) seems to be the timing. If I had met now, I would have looked back and marriage with him. I was too young at that time. "
Meanwhile, the Crédit Agricole Planners listened to X's Love story, which was devoted to Crédit Agricole, and told their own Love experiences. "I had a person who met for about two years, but when I met him, I always went an hour earlier than the appointment time. I wanted to see him soon." Sung Yu-ri said: "I've sold luxury watches. I want to give my boyfriend something Gift (when I was in Fin.K.L activity), but my mother took my income, so I did not have any money. "So I wanted to give my boyfriend something Gift, so I got a memory that I sold my luxury watch at a low price and gave it to him." He said, "I'm sorry, honey." He laughed at the apology.
On the other hand, Son Dong-woon said, "I honestly started Idol Producer too early, I started Idol Producer in junior high school and I could not come all in like this." Yang Se-hyeong pointed out that "the dragonworm is getting away again," and he said, "I have been active since I was 8 years old. How long did you have time in junior high school? "