Palme d'Or is 'a triangle of sadness'...Park Chan-wook supervisory award and Kang-Ho Song Academy Awards

This year Cannes Film Festival's Palme d'Or was won by Swedish director Ruben stlund's "Triangle City of London Sadness" (hereinafter the "Triangle of Sadness").
The 75th Cannes International Film Festival closing ceremony was held Friday afternoon at the Lumière Theatre at France Cannes Palais de Festival.
The Grand Prix, which attracted the most attention, was won by Ruben Oestlund's "triangle of sadness." This work covered the story of models invited to travel on luxury cruises, along with billionaire couples, Russian politicians, British arms dealers, alcoholics, and captains, as they were isolated from the uninhabited island. The scathing satire of super-rich and capitalism has sparked great interest from the beginning of the Film Festival.
Oestlund roared when his name was called: after he took the stage and handed the Palme d'Or trophy, he said: "We want to talk about the film together when the film is over. That's why we watch movies together. "
In 2014, he was awarded the Cannes Film Festival notable gaze judge for "Forsmajure: White Vecation", and stlund, who was noted for his attention, caused a blue in 2017 when he received Palme d'Or for "The Square". At the time, director Park Chan-wook participated in the screening.
Park Chan-wook, who was invited to the competition for his "decision to break up" this year, named the "triangle of sadness" as the most anticipated work of his competition. After five years of receiving Palme d'Or, stlund once again received the Cannes Francé, becoming the leading European film star. The film is purchased by importer Green Narae Media and can be seen at domestic theaters this year.
The judges for the second prize were co-administered by Claire Denny's "Star Et Eye" (STARS AT NOON) and Lucas Moura Dont's director "Close" (CLOSE). The third prize winner was awarded by Yezi Skolimov, PFC Levski Sofia director "Io" (EO), Charlotte Vanderhirmi and Felix Van Gröningen director "The Eight Mountains" (THE EIGHT MOUNTAINS).
supervisory award was awarded by director Park Chan-wook of 'Resolution to Break Up'. He was nominated for a strong Palme d'Or, but received a supervisory award and left his third Cannes Awards career after the judges' award.
The Academy Awards were won by Kang-Ho Song of "The Broker" and by Zar Amir Ebrahim Abadi of "Holy Spider" (HOLY SPIDER). Kang-Ho Song succeeded in the Awards after the seventh Cannes invitation, setting the record for the first Cannes Film Festival Acting Award for the Korean Men Actor.
The screenplay award was directed by Tariq Saleh, who wrote the screenplay for "Boy From Heaven" (BOY FROM HEAVEN), and the 75th Anniversary Award was awarded by the Belgian film master Darden Brothers as "Tori Kelly and Lokita".
Palme d'Or: Ruben stlund director 'Triangle City of London Sadness' (TRIANGLE OF SADNESS)
Jury Grand Prize: Clare Denny's "Star Et Eye" (STARS AT NOON), Lucas Moura Dont's director "Close" (CLOSE)
supervisory award: Park Chan-wook director 'decision to break up'
Jury Award: Yezi Schollimov, PFC Levski Sofia director 'Io' (EO), Charlotte Vanderhirmi and Felix van Gröningen director 'The Eight Mountains' (THE EIGHT MOUNTAINS)
Academy Awards='Broker' Kang-Ho Song
Screenplay award: Director Tariq Saleh ('Boy From Heaven')
Actress Award: 'Holy Spider' Jar Amir Ebrahim Abadi
75th Anniversary Award: Brothers director Darden (Tori Kelly and Lokita')