Former Saint Anne "I thought I was a rich daughter after adoption but I started domestic labour + abuse at the age of seven" (AM Plaza)

Child rights instructor and author former Saint Anne has told of the past of child abuse.
On KBS 1TV 'AM Plaza' broadcast on May 3, former Saint Anne, who was abused by his adoptive parents but is a child human rights instructor, appeared as a guest.
“I was adopted by my adoptive parents when I was five years old, and I felt like a princess at first, a single-family house on the first floor, and we lived in the middle house and paid rent on both sides,” said former Saint Anne. Next, I moved to a single-family house on the third floor, and I got my room and bought me a piano. I felt like I was an orphan and became an only daughter of a wealthy house one morning. "
"I was an elderly couple over 50 years old, but I think they adopted me because I did not have a child for a long time. He said he had lost it after having been artificially watered and tested, and he wanted to believe he was his biological parents despite his childhood memories. It was because of the blood type that I found out that it was not certain. "
My adoptive mother started domestic labor and abuse when she was seven. "I thought I was the only daughter of a wealthy family at first, but it was Cinderella. During the day, I was in a pretty dress and a driver’s car to school, and my stepfather donated a lot, and when I got home, I changed, cleaned, and did all the housework. I was 27 years old and I did it for 20 years. I have never been told I don't study. I do not like cleaning and food, I caught a lot of housework and hit a lot. "
"I had an old age, but I thought that the reason I adopted me was that I needed an unpaid housekeeper, an unpaid driver, and an unpaid care worker. I could not tell anywhere because I was alone in my world with my mother and I, and I thought I had to go to the road because I could not go anywhere. "