Choi Young-joo, a pregnant daughter, kneels down at Noh Yun-seo and pleads for "Let's take a baby" (Our Blues)

In TVN Weekend Drama 'Our Blues' episode 7, which was broadcast on the 30th, a figure of a protective ceremony (Choi Young-joo) was drawn to hear the news of her daughter's pregnancy.
The airing stock told the guard watching Drama that he was "pregnant." So the guard said, "Are you talking about the soap opera protagonist? She's not a baby to get pregnant," said Drama's lead character, who said, "I'm pregnant, not the soap opera. Father daughter is pregnant with airing stock," he nailed, adding: "Baby Father is my uncle of human rights, Han.
"Come out in your coat, let's go to the hospital without any other words. It may not be pregnancy." He denied the reality. "You guys who are not bleeding on your head are sleeping. I do not think pregnancy is so easy, "he said. I went to the hospital, "he said, saying," Let's go to a good hospital, not a doctor. "
The airing stock revealed a convex boat. The airing stock said, "You can not go to the hospital beyond 6 months of pregnancy." "The defense ceremony asked," Did the new X hit you innocent? "The captain, the schoolboy, and the president of the school have no intention of ... So the airing stock replied, "I never did my body. We love each other. That's why I did it."
"I can not ruin your life with a mistake once in a while," the guard said, shouting, "I am a bunch of children." "It's not once, it's twice," airing stock said, "it's not a mistake, it's love."
Fader, who recommends abortion surgery, asked, "I'm going to Seoul National University with a child. I'm just getting a little bit harder. Help me raise and raise a child." But the defence began to slap itself on the cheek, screaming "I can't." The airing stock rushed to dry the self-inflicted Father.
"I will pray for this Father," he said. "I do not want to have a hard time and I do not want to have a baby." So the airing stock also kneeled down and said, "It's my body. I'm sick even if it hurts. I'm going to have a baby."
"How do you do that?" said the airing stock, "There is nothing changing. I go to Seoul National University as planned. Father is fishing and fishing, "he shouted.
"Our Father is frustrated," airing stock informed boyfriend Chung Hyeon (Bae Hyun-sung). "I'm so sick because of Father," he said, "but I did not say I made a mistake. I just said what I said, like a bad X. "I'm afraid I'll be weaker or I'll do what Father says." "Father, you'll feel betrayed by me, very much," he said.
"All typhoons are passing typhoons," Chung Hyon confessed, "I will pass like this typhoon. I love you." So the airing stock also replied, "I feel like I love you very much now."
Waiting for the awakening stock was a table prepared by Father. The protection ceremony said, "I'm going to work today." "Call Father after school. Father and the hospital shop ". The airing stock left the house with a stomach hidden on the table.
Photo = TVN broadcast screen