Fashion pictures of Seventeen Scoops, Jung Han and Kim Mingyu have been released.
In this photo released by Arena Homme Plus on the 19th, Escoops, Jung Han, and Kim Mingyu showed faces of youth resembling spring days.
In the picture, the dreamy images and fascinating images of the three men were arranged.
Unlike the mysterious pictures of the Seventeen, the shooting scene was very pleasant. The humor exchanged by three men made the filming scene entertaining.
In the interview after the filming, I looked at the strength of the Seventeen who has been active since his debut, and talked about the topics of the three men of Seventeen, Jung Han and Kim Mingyu.
Leader Escoops expressed his affection for the members of the Seventeen, saying, "It is difficult to work together if you do not care for each other." "I want to feel the energy that I can only sense in the performance again," said Jeong Han. Kim Mingyu confessed, "I can devote myself hard because there are people who believe in my music and wait."
Interviews and pictures of the eventeen can be found in the May issue of Arena Homme Plus and on the website (www.smlounge.co.kr/arena).