"I'm sorry to leave you a lot" "I can not eat that much" ..Sandara Park, explained the controversy over the meal.

Singer and actor Sandara Park has explained the controversy over the in-flight meal. Known as the news left, he gave several meals and left a lot to express his sorryness to the crew, and various reactions came out among the netizens and eventually explained it.
Sandara Park posted on his SNS on the 29th, "The last photo I posted is a picture before eating ~ I took it pretty before eating it ... I do not eat that much."
"I thought I would eat a few bowls because I could not eat almost a month, but suddenly I ate it, so I did not get much of my stomach! “We’re still increasing it a little bit,” he said.
Sandara Park also released a photo of the bibimbap left over from the plane, which she had left behind more than she thought, and it seemed to have left about a third of it.
But the controversy was due to a photo previously released by Sandara Park, who told SNS on the 26th, "I could not imagine the in-flight menu Flch on the Inchon-LA flight. When I fly to Incheon-LA, I can only eat salad and steak for in-flight meals, so when I come back to Korea, I promise to eat bibimbap and ramen! I did. Even ask for a salad out of the course, and it is a menu that changes 180 degrees from when you go and come. "
“I’m sorry I left you a lot, crew sisters. I didn’t have any taste, but I ate it so delicious! I had two news stories on the topic and I had to eat for a month and I ate ... well! "
The posting and the photo that I released were problematic, but it was a picture of a bowl of ramen. It seemed to be untouched. I left almost all of it, wasting food, "and" It is a picture before eating "and left food with Sandara Park.
So Sandara Park finally said that if you are a photo before eating, you will be able to open the remaining photos after eating bibimbap.
Sandara Park, who is known to have a small amount of food, has even explained that she left an in-flight meal.
Sandara Park SNS