70 million won for a root of wild ginseng? Simmani "30 disciples who betrayed" ('Attack on Titan's grandmother')

Hwang Chang-min, a 28-year-old herbist who came to Channel S's hot talk show Attack on Titan's Halmae, will unfold Simmani's saga, including the story of a 70 million won wild ginseng in one root, to steal the attention of the grandmothers.
Hwang Chang-min, a herbist of the inconsequential force, will come to Attack on Titan's Halmae on the 12th with a wild ginseng dipping liquor for the grama trio Kim Young-ok, Na Moon-hee, Park Jung-soo.
Park Jung-soo, who opened the lid of the soaking liquor, wondered from the price of "How much is this?" Hwang said, "I am not a merchant, but if I sell it, I will go for about 3 million won." Park Jung-soo said, "I opened the lid and put it in my hand a little bit." Hwang said, "Then I have to get 3 million won."
However, Hwang, who has a pleasant personality, said, "There are about 30 disciples who have betrayed and left, and I do not seem to have eyes on people." “It’s a profession of digging precious herbs, and herbs are related to big money, so the disciples who believed in it are only taking away the secrets of the business,” he said.
Hwang said, "The secret of Simmani's business is a herb community. If I think that it is my person who is really hard to find, I betrayed me and went with another herbist to shake off my seeds. "He said," There was a disciple who took tens of millions of won of wild ginseng alone. "
Park Jung-soo, who heard this, asked, "It seems like a person's heart is going to be like that because it is a big money." "What is the most expensive wild ginseng I have seen in my heart?" Hwang said, "I have been able to dig a very precious Jijong ginseng, and the appraisal price was 70 million won." The grandmothers showed an extraordinary interest and asked, "What does such wild ginseng look like?" And Hwang gave an unexpected (?) answer.
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