SNU Chang Kiha "The Graduate, the first in all high schools... Wrong within five questions" (oxmuna)

Chang Kiha, a genius musician who recently released his first solo album on Problem Child in House, is a hot topic.
Chang Kiha, who recently released his first solo album on KBS 2TV entertainment program Problem Child in House, which will be broadcast on March 22, will appear to convey the behind-the-scenes and study methods of Seoul National University.
Chang Kiha, a sociology student at Seoul National University, mentioned his high school grades, saying, "I was surprised to find out that he was the first in the middle of high school." "The score was 388 out of 400, and it was wrong within five problems," he said.
Chang Kiha also said, "I tried to calm down without being embarrassed even if I did not know the problem. I thought I could infer it if I read it again, "he said, admiring the members. When asked about how MCs feel when they solve the problems they know, they said, "Do not you prepare in advance when singers perform?" "I feel like those things are getting right."
Chang Kiha also said that he had a lot of prejudices about 'from Seoul National University' and 'I also said 'SNU!' Even if I say something,'
Chang Kiha's behind-the-scenes and study method stories can be found on KBS 2TV 'Problem Child in House' at 10:40 pm on Tuesday, March 22.
KBS 2TV 'Problem Child in House'