Group (girls) have cracked the reputation of the children leader former So-yeon. His plagiarism, which has become an all-round The Artist who participates in productions such as writing and composing as well as his skills, is bitter.
In the MBC entertainment program "After-school thrill" which ended on the 27th of last month, the contest song "SUN" in which former So-yeon participated in writing and composing was released. After the broadcast, some sections of "Sun" were noted to be similar to those of "Wave" for the HTIZ.
"Wave" is a song by Tim Eden-ary, who has been with the composer Eden since his debut. The song has been exposed to a number of sports broadcasting ending songs, and has recently become a hot topic.
As the plagiarism controversy continued, former So-yeon added 'Wave' original song "Idnary" to the music site. The fans thought that a smooth agreement between the two artists was reached, and it seemed to end with just one heft.
However, the situation changed as the official position of KQ Entertainment, an agency agency of ATIZ, was revealed. "There was no prior discussion with Idnery as well as our company. I hope that the wrong information will be corrected in the sense of respecting the creator. "
The fact that the former So-yeon posted his opponent's composer's name on the credits without consent made the public's anger even more infuriating. So, the former So-yeon acknowledged the mistake through the fan community, saying, "I was belatedly aware of the partial melodic similarity of 'Sun'; I apologized to the composer of the controversial song."
Earlier, the former So-yeon was in a panic over the 2019 Illegal program controversy. Online, the desktop of the former So-yeon's laptop was released, and files that seemed to be an Illegal replication program were found and criticized.
Former So-yeon said, "I started studying composition and used it when I was learning and using various programs necessary for song work. I am sorry that my ignorance has caused you to feel sorry. I will try not to carry it in the future. "
However, as the controversy over the song work is once again raised, the reliability of the former So-yeon is expected to crack. In particular, after the suspicion of plagiarism has been raised, his complacency, which has abandoned copyright awareness and creator rights, is added, and external image strikes seem inevitable.
Since he has been famous as a hit song maker for a while, his inexperienced move feels even more sad. It is worth watching whether former So-yeon will be able to become a more mature The Artist based on this controversy.