"Popular in YG" Seo Hyo-young, called "Jenny Kim" in table tennis, turns out to be "reversal" identity

Following the Kyonggi with the Glopler team in 'Oltak!', the members who entered the first battery training were drawn. Among them, Seo Hyo-young, called YGJennie Kim, appeared as a special Kochi and was pleased.
On the 28th, TVN entertainment 'Oltak-gu!', a confrontation was held.
With Oltakuna and the global team playing out on the day, Lucky and Eun Ji-won played against each other. I'm a Jecky, "Lucky joked, "78 years old is the same age." Finally, the confrontation began, and Eun Ji-won suppressed the lead.
The global team also said, "The team leader has a lot of experience," and the team cheered, "I have support." Eventually, the first set victory went to Eun Ji-won. The commentator also praised "Kyonggi as the team leader." Eun Ji-won showed a special attitude, saying, "I thought I would do mine without making a mistake and not greedy."
The director said, "We will go to the last Kyonggi, which was hosted to learn from each other." Especially when the global team met in Korean, they all laughed, saying, "It is a global team, but we have a meeting in Korean." They laughed, "We are anti-Korean and Korean."
The last team was Joel and Ni Zan. Joel is a national table tennis player in the United States, so everyone is nervous, and Shin Ni Zan has been active in his military charts, so he expects to show his strength against the national team.
The new man, Ni Zan, who emerged as a monster newcomer, focused on "I was prepared to learn a lot." And, if not, the new Ni Zan suppressed it with smashing. Ni Zan is good, too." But the global team won. "As expected, Joel, who is very talented, also made good use of his merits technology," the commentator said.
The global team said to Joel, who gave the expected score, "I have to show my national team's ability to be straight and show my national team." Joel was again in mind, and again he was impressed by the stable play as "a national representative." Although he was defeated, Ni Zan said, "I did too well. I wanted to be a person who did not easily support it. "It was good to compete with a person who is better than sorry."
The director said, "The answer is practice," and the members also said, "It is natural to meet and lose the high school, but I do not want to lose the excitement, the sweat and passion of the player are important."
For two weeks, each of them was pictured in practice, their first battery training: Kang Ho-dong and Eun Ji-won, which gathered first in snowy weather. Kang Ho-dong said, "It is summer training to strengthen mental strength, now it is summer." Eun Ji-won said, "But why is the face of a statue?" Kang Ho-dong said, "It's actually winter."
Kang Ho-dong said, "We practiced enough to get blisters on our feet." Eun Ji-won said, "So we were blisters." Kang Ho-dong was embarrassed. "I actually blisters twice," said Eun Ji-won, who practiced so hard.
Among them, the snow continued to stop and the members gathered one by one and arrived. Kang Ho-dong showed a passion for "eyes in entertainment are falling jewels and jewels, now it is a ball."
Each member showed a sincere appearance on table tennis. Park Eun-seok said, "I have been training for 25 hours for 2 weeks, and I have been training for 6 hours yesterday." Son Tae-jin said, "I practiced table tennis more than singing in 6 years." Eun Ji-won said, "I have to be calm."
Among them, Kang Seung-yoon said, "I do not just look at the toilet when I go to the bathroom, I float my butt a little and cheap." "I do not have any strength on my legs." Idol, "he said, worrying about the image of Kang Seung-yoon.
With the atmosphere rising, Seo Hyo-young and Ahn Jae-hyung also arrived as special Kochi. Kang Ho-dong was pleased to see that "the racquet signed by director Ahn Jae-hyung, is a talisman for me." Seo Hyo-young was Seo Hyo-yeon Kochi's brother and ping-pong infululuncer. Eun Ji-won was pleased to see YG table tennis team Kochi, and Kang Seung-yoon was also pleased to see "YG table tennis line Jenny Kim".
Eun Ji-won and Kang Seung-yoon have been certified as "so popular" to Seo Hyo-young, who boasts a unique beauty. Seo Hyo-young praised each other for saying, "Kang Seung-yoon table tennis? Top of top and table tennis in YG."
The legendary team won the indoor meat meal, and the Fondant Fondant team won the outdoor meal. The rival rematch continued, and all of them showed stormy performance as they were fast rematches that confirmed their training performance.
On the other hand, tvN 'entertainment' is a confrontation to cover up the real king by finding the hidden table tennis players in the entertainment industry
It is broadcast every Monday at 8:40 pm on the green program.
"Old." Capture