Radio PD and anchor Kim Hyun-jung opens the first door of 'Pandora'.
In MBN 'Pandora' broadcast on February 28, Kim Hyun-jung anchor said, "From today, Pandora is open. I will try to make a stone fastball with my gaze in the future without any hesitation. "
Kim Hyun-jung asked the National Assembly member Ha Tae-keung, "How did you hear that I became the owner of Pandora?" I often went to the morning broadcast by Kim Anchor, but it is a style that makes people comfortable while stabbing the right song. I think I will go the way of Yoo Jae-Suk in the future. "
Kim Hyun-jung, who heard this, said, "Yoo Jae-Suk? "Pandora is a political debate, but it is also a political entertainment, so it is like entering the arts today," Ha said. Kim Hyun-jung summarizes, "I have broadened the horizon."
In addition, Rep. Chung Chung-rae of the Democratic Party of Korea said, “I am the founder of Pandora and the king of Taejo. I founded Pandora, so I do not want to open the Sejong University, but I want to open the door of Pandora, throwing goodwill to each other in a friendly atmosphere.