Min Kyung Hoon asked Yook Sungjae about the marriage.
On the 26th, JTBC 'Knowing Brother' showed BtoB, who started his activities in five years after finishing his military service, and Min Kyung Hoon asked Sungjae about the marriage and attracted Eye-catching.
BtoB first greeted the audience with a song before introducing each other. BtoB, which sang Kang Ho-dong's favorite "I miss you" and "I can not without you" to the guitar. After finishing the song, Sungjae said, "I sang because I wanted to listen, but I did not hear the sound of singing." Then, the members of 'Knowing Brother' responded by singing the resurrection 'Never Ending Story' as if they were weaving.
After the song, they introduced themselves as Lee Min-hyuk, Lee Chang-sub, Lim Hyun-sik, Peniel Shin, and Yummi Yook Sungjae. The members of 'Knowing Brother' admired "You are working hard." I asked why you can not see the silver. BtoB leader Seo Eun-kwang was confirmed by Corona 19 and was not together.
For the members who miss the silver mine, Changseop suddenly took off his sneakers and taught me how to see silver mine anytime and anywhere, saying, "There is silver here." Min Kyung Hoon asked, "What did Peniel Shin do during the army?" Then Peniel Shin casually replied, "I just waited," and laughed.
Sungjae introduced the age of BtoB members, saying, "I am only in my 20s starting from this year." The most right-hander was Minhyuk, 33, Changseop 32, Hyunsik 31, Sungjae 29, and Peniel Shin 30. The members who heard this were "Minhyuk is the eldest brother? It is for the real time, "he said, and Minhyuk said," So I still check my ID when I go to Hope. "
I thought it might be good for someone who has a job that is only seen recently. Lee Sang-min replied, "I thought Peniel Shin was a big brother." Lee Soo-geun said, "Chang-seop is a presbytery compared to what Min-hyuk has been doing." "I have a sense of stability in my old age," Kang Ho-dong comforted.
Now BtoB has talked while reading the transfer application. Hyun-sik, who introduced himself as a "breathing muscle," or muscle even if he breathes, wrestled with Lee Jin-ho, the chief of the 2019 "knowing brother" world. Lee Jin-ho declared war, "I am not playing soccer too." But he lost to the relaxed muscles of Hyun-sik. Kang Ho-dong, who saw it, coveted Hyun-sik with a wrestling talent.
Next, Lee Soo-geun mentioned the part of 'Sad Friend: Kang Ho-dong' written by Sungjae and opened a mouth-wrestling edition of Sungjae and Kang Ho-dong. Kang Ho-dong said, "Do not say anything," and Sungjae said, "I can not tell you what I did together." He said that he was with Kang Ho-dong.
At that time, the holy goods did everything they could and did their best. But after that, he said he was sorry he didn't find himself. Kang Ho-dong, who heard this, said, "I recommended that you have an artist named Yook Sungjae in the early days of your brother, but you said that your agency is doing it." The reason my agency refused was because the castle was an actor. Sungjae said, "I'm the first to hear it." Then why did I do "the deacon's whole"?
The overheated mouths were released a little later, knowing that they misunderstood each other. Kang Ho-dong said, "I love the castle." He also said, "I love Hodong." Min Kyung Hoon, who saw this, asked, "But what is your marriage news?" When asked by Min Kyung Hoon, surprised by the question, "Am I married? "I asked, and Chang-seop also laughed, "Are you married?"
Turns out Min Kyung Hoon's cousin is the 'steam fan' of the castle. Min Kyung Hoon said, "My brother only liked you for six or seven years. The army waited, you should know that. "The members of the" Knowing Brother " said," My brother made me do it. " Sung-jae looked at the camera and said, "Thank you for your love, Min Kyung Hoon cousin's name."
On the other hand, Minhyuk made a cheering method of 'Nabijam' which Kim Hee-chul and Min Kyung Hoon called together and showed a demonstration and showed how to communicate with fans. Those who have worked together with the cheering method in accordance with Minhyuk's command were pleased to say, "It is fun because we are together." "There is a charm of Techang." Kim Hee-chul and Min Kyung Hoon, who sang, were also satisfied.
Hyun-sik showed off his charm of bouncing the ball. Hyun-sik said, "I will tell you a song that I received a lot of comfort when I was in the army. Kim Hee-chul laughed, saying, "It is strange to say 'Let's get away' while talking about the army." Hyun Sik said, "It was a song that was a force when I was pushed for vacation because of Corona 19."
After the song, Min Kyung Hoon asked, "I have a congratulatory message. I became a member of the soundhouse." Hyun-sik said, "I think he will be promoted considering the income earned by the copyright. I became it." His father, folk singer Lim Ji-hoon, also announced that he was a associate member. Hyun Sik recently set up music equipment for his father who started composing midi and said, "My father can be a full member if he works hard."
Minhyuk challenged Min Kyung Hoon's long-term career. Minhyuk said, "I have never been dizzy in my life." Then he pointed to Min Kyung Hoon against Battle, who performs missions after turning the elephant nose. Min Kyung Hoon accepted: "I don't use a blender, I change my mouth - you're making a big mistake." But Min Kyung Hoon lost to Lee Min-hyuk from the speed of the elephant nose. Lee Soo-geun looked at the struggling Min Kyung Hoon and said, "Now Kyunghoon is old."
Sung-jae said, "I stand for about three days if I do not stop," he said. Throw it," and harshly beat the members. However, Lee Soo-geun, who stood in front of the castle, slipped frequently on the soccer ball and made an excuse to say, "Partnership is important, so you should not keep moving like this." Kang Ho-dong laughed, saying, "It's tricky."
Lee Chang-sub said, "If Sangmin is a god of music, we think he is the son of music." He said he would sing "to the beat". "Singing along with the beat" is a song that keeps the original speed even if the accompaniment goes out. If the beat is the same when the broadcasting team plays the song again, it succeeds. However, the song beat was clearly heard in the part called by Sungjae, and Lee Soo-geun cut off the song saying "failure".
“I’ve got something unfair,” Sung-jae said, “and this is what Chang-seop and Peniel Shin said they were good at. I never said I was good at this.” Next, BtoB tried to do 'Knowing BtoB' by taking away 'Knowing Brother' by doing cry in silence, N-bearing, and flour karaoke. They wanted to make their own entertainment for the 10th year of their debut.
"We are all one strand of people," Kang Ho-dong said. "You go and sing a lot of better songs." Then Hyun-sik regretted and said, "I did not come with a silver light."
"Knowing Brother" screen