MamaMOO Moonbyul X Surrey, Red thread of imaginative fate... 'From head to toe' concept photo opening

MamaMOO Moonbyul has unveiled the concept photo of the second Free Lilys single, raising expectations for a comeback.
Moonbyul presented the concept photo of the Free Lily single "From Head to Toe" of the mini-three album "6equence" (Sequence) with singer-songwriter frost through official SNS at 0:00 today (28th).
Especially, while the red thread, which means fate, surrounds Moonbyul and frost, the song that stimulates the imagination of "Whisper me when I close my eyes / Untie my tightly closed knot" was released.
Moonbyul will release the mini-album '6equence' on the 19th of next month. With a solo comeback in a year and 11 months after the previous work 'DARK SIDE OF THE MOON', Moonbyul showed confidence in the new news with a bold promotion to pre-release two Free Lilys singles.
In addition, Moonbyul has attracted attention to the new album '6equence' as it has raised the perfection with various charms that have never been shown so far, which means Sequence consisting of several gods.
Meanwhile, Free Lily single 'From Head to Toe' with Moonbyul and Surrey will be released on various music sites at 6 pm on the 30th.