Lee Hye-jung "nearly to break up ahead of Lee Hee-joon and Wedding ceremony...parents refer to divorce"

Seoul:) = Lee Hye-jung told the story of nearly breaking up ahead of marriage.
In the channel A entertainment program 'Oh Eun Young's Golden Counseling Center' broadcasted on the last three days, Model Lee Hye-jung appeared and released a love story with Husband actor Lee Hee-joon.
Lee Hye-jung recalled his first meeting: "I went to a designer's birthday party and they were friends," he said, saying he was in love at first sight. "At that time, it was the store of (Hong) Seokcheon, and Husband was dressed in a colorful ball. It seemed pure, "he added." I changed the prejudice that I would live in the image of entertainers, actors and hairs I thought. "
Lee Hye-jung also expressed his respect for Lee Hee-joon: "Husband is 99.9% effort-style. It was against that. It was cool to try. It's one of the things I still admire," he said.
The two of them had a romance shortly after they had a relationship, and they had a marriage theory. Lee Hye-jung said, "I wanted to marriage, but suddenly it is developing quickly." "I am going to live well, I am going to be with you at the age of 100," he said.
In particular, Lee Hye-jung said, "There is no divorce in my dictionary, it was big for me." "Because my parents were divorced." "I think I asked him to catch me because I was confused," he said. "I grabbed all of Wedding ceremony and wrote a letter a month ago (to Lee Hee-joon). I would rather break up than divorce. "
Lee Hye-jung said, "Husband didn't do anything wrong, because I was confused, I didn't know if this was right, but I wanted you to catch me. (Lee Hee-joon) had been fussing about finding me for a week or two," he said. "Then I had a last conversation. Husband was so bad then and I saw that. I was sorry. I was sure I could go with you. "