"yg Yang Hyun-suk Hide the Price of Drinks 300 Million Traumas" Soyou pub and Sam's Club representative for the billion-dollar seizure Guilty

yg Entertainment's former producer and current yg Entertainment's largest shareholder Yang Hyun-suk is causing endless controversy. This time, Sam's Club, which is Soyou, and the representative of the liquor store operator, are suspected of seizure hundreds of millions of won.
The Supreme Court's second part retained the original Trial The Judgment against Kim, the head of CDNA, who was indicted on charges of violating the law on specific economic crime heavy penalties. Kim was sentenced to one year and six months in prison, two years in Probation, and a fine of 2 million won.
CDI has been operating Sam's Club Gavia, Munnite, Totoga, a bar triangular car, and a triangular night. Yang Hyun-suk owns about 70% of the company's shares; Yang Hyun-suk, former yg Entertainment CEO, is also Soyou, with 30% stake.
Mr. Kim, who is a representative of CD, was handed over to the Trial for about 5 years from 2013 on charges of seizing about 649.7 million won in personal or wife accounts. In addition to the alleged seizure, he was also charged with tax portal (Gavia, for providing a space for dancing at night by three-way street, but for reporting it to a regular restaurant, not a nightclub, and for not paying 70 million won worth of individual consumption tax and education tax for three years).
According to the court, Yang Hyun-suk was accused of taking his fellow entertainers and acquaintances to a bar and treating them as trauma without paying about 320 million won for drinking alcohol and eating food. CDI was found to have hidden the price of Yang Hyun-suk's credit by canceling the order and returning it.
It's not the first time Yang Hyun-suk has been embroiled in an unsavory controversy.
Yang Hyun-suk was booked in July 2019 for allegedly having sex with Malaysian financial group Zorro at a luxury restaurant in Seoul in 2014, but was cleared in November of the same year. The reason for this disposition was that there was no statement or physical evidence to support the situation.
Separately, he was sentenced to a Guilty ruling last December and fined 15 million won for gambling charges. Gambling is said to have enjoyed it with Seungri (real name Lee Seung-hyun), a former group member of the group Big Bang who caused the controversy over "burning sun."
Blackmail – The ruling on the Cinémix Par Chloé charge has not yet been reached. Yang Hyun-suk was charged in May with retaliation under the Specific Crime Weighted Punishment Act, including Blackmail – Cinémix Par Chloé. The charges are that he allegedly blackmailed A, a singer from Idol Producer, in the process of covering up the fact that he was Drug of Icon-turned-immoud Elsbiay (real name kim han-bin), who was a singer of yg.
Mamdouh Elssbiay, who made his debut as an icon leader in 2015 after going through yg Idol Producer, was later revealed in 2019 that he had taken some of his cannabis and LSDs through singer Idol Producer A from April–May 2016. According to prosecutors, Mamdouh Elsbiay smoked cannabis three times in total, and LSD purchased eight tablets. Mamdouh Elsbiay admitted the charges late after lying after the controversy broke. On September 10, he was sentenced to three years in prison and four years in Probation at the 1st Trial The Judgment Trial. 80 hours of community service, 40 hours of medication lecture, and 1.5 million won in surcharge.
According to the prosecution, Yang Hyun-suk received a report from Mr. B, who was then the head of the yg Management Support Office, about Mr. A's police statement (a statement that he had handed Drug to Madouh Elsbiay), and then called Mr. A through Mr. B to the yg office to overturn the statement. Mr. B is also being charged.
Yang Hyun-suk is also accused of breach of trust on his duties (of paying the lawyer's expenses paid to Mr. A in exchange for his statement reversal with yg funds), and of Guilty of escapism of escapism (for attempting to conspire with Mr. C to escape to United States of America to prevent Mr. A from making any further statements regarding Maddouh Elsbiay). Mr. C, who is accused of sending Mr. A to United States of America, has escaped overseas.
Yang Hyun-suk denied the prosecution's indictment through a legal representative on the Trial Preparatory Date on August 13. Yang Hyun-suk is right to meet Mr. A and talk, but claims to be innocent because he has never done Blackmail – Cinémix Par Chloé.