The agency unveiled a group cut that showed the harmony of the twelve members on the day, and a unit cut that emphasized the personality and youthful charm of each member, attracting fans' Sight.
Loona had time to answer questions about the third anniversary of her complete debut at the time of filming. "I feel like harmony is good," said member HeeJin. “I think we understand each other well without saying a lot of things, and I am proud that Dorando is doing well,” he said.
Regarding the moment when the fandom Five Light was grateful for the support, member Kim Lip said, "It is a great strength not only for the activity but also for the fact that it always supports us and cares for us small and remembers us during the rest period."
Big Issue 258, which contains Loona's pictorials, will be issued on September 1; it can be purchased through street salesmen at Seoul and Busan subway stations. In other areas, it can be purchased through regular reading or online shops.