Lee Kyung-kyu "Daughter Yee-rim Chuck SMS" Lee Tae-gon 6 million won demand, Voice phishing damage wall consternation (fisherman 3)

Lee Kyung-kyu, Kim Joon-hyun, Lee Tae-gon was shocked to hear the damage of the Voice phishing of the weather outward technique.
In the 14th episode of Channel A entertainment "Follow Me Only, and City Fisherman Season 3" (hereinafter referred to as "City Fisherman 3"), which was broadcast on August 5, Kim Ha-Young's follow-up to the Jeonbuk Buan Bulletin Chinese drum was held with guest Mo Tae-Bum, Kim Yo-han and Bora.
On this day, Jang PD announced the golden badge standard before the departure. Among the Chinese drums over 68cm, the golden badge was going to return to the main character of Big One and the winner of the confrontation regardless of the fish species. The City fisherman, who could not catch the Chinese drum, was in a position to be confiscated.
As a result of the draw, the best place 2 was Lee Deok-hwa, and both sides were Kim Ha-Young and Bora.
Lee Kyung-kyu received a relatively poor eight-placed spot, but nevertheless surprised everyone by becoming the main character of the first Chinese drum. Lee Kyung-kyu, who calmly raised the fishing rod thinking it was a song beauty, checked the Chinese drum and said, "It's Chinese drum! I kept my badge as soon as I did it! "I came in the empty house." The size was 45cm, a performance of just five minutes after fishing. Lee Kyung-kyu has since taken a three-game lead and a Donggaldome.
Next, Lee Soo-geun, who caught the 47cm Chinese drum, was relieved that Lee Soo-geun would now be fishing a little more comfortably. Lee Kyung-kyu envied Lee Soo-geun by catching the 38cm second Chinese drum. Lee Kyung-kyu then stretched out to his feet and enjoyed the leisure, saying, "This is a life fishing."
Kim Ha-Young, who stood at the center of civil complaints in the meat without news, caught the Chinese drum for the third time. The Chinese drum, which came up after a long fight, boasted almost monster size. Kim Ha-Young, who once again achieved the miracle of a fish suit following the last golden trout, liked to have two hair. The size of the Chinese drum was 67cm, slightly below the golden medium standard.
They then went to the promised land for Chinese drum points, but this place was also a slam. Instead, Mo Tae-Bum became a warrior in the reverse, catching a 62cm giant sea bass five minutes before the end. This was the third largest bass language in the history of the City Department, which was the result of overturning the record of Kim Ha-Young and Lee Kyung-kyu's total weight. Mo Tae-Bum became the only golden badge protagonist of the day. Kim Joon-hyun, Lee Tae-gon and Lee Deok-hwa, who failed to catch the Chinese drum, returned the badge.
On the other hand, a live broadcast listener to Kim Joon-hyun attracted attention by asking about the last Voice phishing incident. Kim Joon-hyun earlier suffered automatic payment damage from hacking accounts during fishing. Kim Joon-hyun said that the total damage amount was 970,000 won and that it is still being handled.
Lee Soo-geun also delivered a funny anecdote as a person who vividly remembers the time. Kim Joon-hyun and Lee Kyung-kyu, a team, are talking to Kim Joon-hyun to solve the problem and say, 'Fishing!' " (Lee Kyung-kyu) nagged, 'How are you going to find it, I've already been hit,'" laughed Lee Soo-geun, who added, "It became edited on the air," and Kim Joon-hyun added, "(Lee Kyung-kyu) said, 'I'm making more money.' ()
Lee Kyung-kyu laughed and revealed that he was also suffering from Voice phishing on the same day. Lee Kyung-kyu said: "SMS Voice phishing came to me that day too (to my daughter Yerim) 'Father liquid crystal broke. I'm gonna buy a cell phone in Father's name. I called Yerim, but he didn't. He sent me SMS.