Lee Tae-gon's morning routine is revealed
Lee Tae-gon and Lee Chan-won will join the new Pyunsheng in KBS 2TV 'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant' which will be broadcast on May 6th.
At the recent recording of the Stars Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant studio, MC Boom manager introduced the new chef Lee Tae-gon as the keyword "Man in Men, Sexy Billon, and King Gwanggaeto". Lee Tae-gon, who appeared in the studio with a dignified force, inspired the admiration that he was "cool".
Lee Tai-gon's daily life in the VCR, which was released, was 'sickness' itself. Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant, who saw Lee Tae-gon's house, was impressed by the fact that it was "like a male protagonist's house in the drama." Lee Tae-gon House was a house full of men's romance, from watches and fashion accessories full of masculine beauty to a decorated cabinet, various sports equipment, and a home bar filled with various liquors. Then, in the kitchen, two hoe knives were charismatic on the board, and he robbed his eyes.
Lee Tae-gon started the morning working out in her home limbs, performing a high-level push-up on the ring with her Pacific-like shoulder and radiating masculinity with solid chest muscles. Lee Tai-gon, who played the role of an adulterous man with the charm of Maseong in the popular drama 'Divorce Composition of Marriage', felt like a man of Maseong in real life. After so much exercise, Lee Tae-gon appeared in a chic shower gown and once again made a happy scream to the 'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant' studio.
On the other hand, Lee Tae-gon's house was surprised to see a fishing room reminiscent of a museum like a famous urban fisherman, and a rapid freezer that keeps super large fish caught directly. In fact, Lee Tae-gon took out the precious fish that was kept in this rapid freezer and showed off the dish.