Singer and actor Park Yoochun has been in trouble again over the ExCLusive contract dispute.
His Personal Life has come back to the public's cubiCLe as Park Yoochun agency Lee CLro announced his official position in Park Yoochun's ExCLusive contract violation. Park Yoochun refuted this and signalled a court battle.
According to LeeCL, Park Yoochun signed an ExCLusive contract with LeeCL on January 1, 2020. Lee CL is an agency created by Manager, who has been with JYJ since his activities, to help Park Yoochun recover. Park Yoochun's mother is listed as the largest shareholder, but her mother was not involved in actual management and the company's representative was reported to have been operating the company on loan.
In particular, Lee CL focused his attention on the public view by disCLosing Park Yoochun Personal Life through official position. Lee CL CLaimed that Park Yoochun used the company's corporate card as a personal entertainment and living expenses as well as a double contract for Park Yoochun. Park Yoochun said that he gave a corporate card to GFriend, who lived with him at the time, to buy a luxury bag or used tens of millions of won in company funds for games.
The Park Yoochun position is the opposite. Park Yoochun left a handwritten letter to the official Japanese fan CLub on the 14th, and the former GFriend Hwang Ha-na and Lee CL were attacking him with their hands.
Park Yoochun said, "I could not imagine that someone who believed to be a truly eternal life partner and someone who once thought to be love would attack me. "It is a sad and difficult situation again," he said. "We are busy preparing to solve the wrong things one by one in the right way."
"I was late, but because they abandoned me, I was able to completely cut off my relationship with them," he said. "Fortunately, I am preparing for future work with people I can trust."
Park Yoochun and his agency are different, and legal work is foreseen, so it is necessary to watch the trend. Separately, the public is showing antagonism to Park Yoochun's once again being a rash.
Park Yoochun, who was sentenced to two years in prison and released from detention in 2019, was overshadowed by his retirement deCLaration to prepare for his return to the entertainment industry. He resumed his activities such as concerts, photo albums, and independent films, but he has lived quietly without any major repercussions. But this time, it began to get attention again with the dispute with the agency, Personal Life DisCLosure. The public is tired of Park Yoochun, which shows its presence due to controversy.