Park Yoochun, a singer and actor from the group JYJ, is suffering from various rumors.
Park Yoochun, who has been active overseas since the 2019 drug Scandal, recently reported on the latest contract dispute with his agency. Lee CL, who has been in contractual relations since January 2020, insisted on Park Yoochun's contract violation.
Lee CL said Park Yoochun had confirmed that he had signed a double contract with Japan agency in violation of the agreement about a month ago. In preparation for the corresponding legal response, Park Yoochun CLaimed that he seriously undermined the honor by making comments on the embezzlement of the representative through the Japan media.
In addition, Park Yoochun's privacy issues were disCLosured. Lee CL said, "Even though Park Yoochun used the company's corporate card as a personal entertainment and living expenses, he did not take issue with it and helped solve personal debt problems of over 2 billion won."
Nevertheless, Park Yoochun has been giving corporate cards to his girlfriend who lived together at the time, so he has to buy luxury bags or use tens of millions of won in company funds for games. "In particular, Park Yoochun has paid about 100 million won for the money that was unleashed at the entertainment business.
As the controversy continued, Park Yoochun posted a letter in Japan on the Japan fan CLub website and expressed his injustice. Regarding the double contract of the agency, he said, "I knew the shocking facts related to my agency and asked for a solution, but I decided to proceed with the legal process without contact." He tries to charge himself with fraud and embezzlement, but he stressed that it is not true.
Regarding the controversial privacy controversy, "it is not true at all, and this is also one of the unfounded slander of the other party. It is also a deliberate human attack, so I want to prepare for legal action. "
However, new rumors continue to emerge after that. Although the CLaim made by Lee CL's representative did not reveal the authenticity, most of the fatal rumors are seen as simple What It Always Is.
In particular, there is a suspicion that Park Yoochun has been gambling in Macau and the Philippines in the past. Lee CLro is planning to file a complaint with Park Yoochun based on evidence.
Park Yoochun has already lost ground in the country with St Scandal and Drug Scandal. This may also be the reason why Japan fan CLub is used as an explanation window for the ongoing problems through domestic media. There are also public opinion that it should be cautious as it is a one-sided CLaim by the Lee CL.