Cho Young-nam "I'll give you a picture Refund, but I'm not cubically screwed...still assistant Gu Long"

Singer Cho Young-nam, who was controversial about the 'character masterpiece' controversy, has revealed his recent situation.
"There are many mistakes that have been made in cubically," Cho Young-nam said on CBS radio's "Cold Fight" broadcast on the 16th. (Park Chung-hee) The biggest mistake was that "I will Refund if I think my picture is not right."
He said: "I shouldn't have told you that, I didn't want to ask for a painting Refund, but I was asked to do it. It was 50 won when selling a 100 won painting, but when I Refunded it, I did it in double. If you said you would do a Refund according to the results of the trial, it will be warm now. "
Cho Young-nam revealed he is still painting the assistant Gu Long. He added, "If there is a gallery that wants to display my paintings, I will write an assistant, I will give Jo Su-bi, or I will give half of the sales of my paintings.
Earlier, Cho Young-nam was charged with offering only ideas, making the masterpiece draw a picture, and then selling the painting by adding an overlay and signature. The first trial court ruled that Cho Yeong-nam's crime was not light and caused confusion in the domestic art market, and that he was sentenced to 10 months in prison and two years in probation.
However, the second trial court said that the work based on the painting is a unique idea of Cho Young-nam, and it is widely known that the use of assistants in art history is not obligatory to notify it.
Eventually, the case was handed over to the Supreme Court of South Korea, and the Supreme Court of South Korea accepted the second sentence and confirmed the final innocence.
In the final statement of the appeal, DJ mentioned that Cho Young-nam cried, "I have been playing with the anger for too long when I played with the anger from the past." Cho Young-nam said, "It is the most shameful scene in life. I think that the sadness of not being recognized for artistic activities has been supported. "