'The grasshopper playing with the ants' Lee Yeon-bok captures the home room with candid charm
Lee Yeon-bok and Park Jong-bok will appear as the first guests in the MBN entertainment program "Ant and Playing Grasshop" which will be broadcasted on the 21st. Lee Yeon-bok will share the intense daily life and resting trips to provide limited healing.
Lee Yeon-bok, the master of Chinese food, unveils a special Gift that he received from fans at the same time as he appeared; the identity is the Chinese restaurant handcrafted by an expensive imported luxury car designer. MCs are focused on Gift, which is the only one in the world for Lee Yeon-bok only.
Lee Yeon-bok in particular sweeps the scene with candid charm. Asked if there were any special guests who came to the hugely popular store, Lee Yeon-bok surprised everyone by saying, "My store is a secret date place for stars."
In addition, Jang Yoon-jung's question, which asks how much monthly income he has, is coolly answered and flips the scene. Lee Yeon-bok's honest answer is " "I am curious about who is the special guest who came to Lee Yeon-bok's shop and how much income it will be.
Lee Yeon-bok, meanwhile, reveals a healing vacation that left for Yeosu with his son-in-law. Lee Yeon-bok, who enjoys Mukbang while enjoying the open sea, will give a substitute satisfaction to the room. Lee Yeon-bok shows a love of the day that starts from the fasting to the circuit. Lee Yeon-bok's Yeosu tour, which will cause mouthwatering just by looking at it, can be confirmed through broadcasting.
On the other hand, 'Grassing with Ants' is a program that helps the grasshopper MCs to heal the best for the ants of all walks of life who have worked hard.
"The Brass Who Plays with Ants" will be broadcast at 11 p.m. on the 21st.
Photo = MBN 'The Grasshop Playing with Ants'