Lee Yeon-bok "Paycheck 10 Million Won" park jong-bok "six buildings except home" delineated other work ants (vegetals)

Cooking researcher Lee Yeon-bok and Real estate consultant park jong-bok were laughing in a different way.
MBN 'Ants and Playing Grasshop' broadcast on June 21 revealed Lee Yeon-bok, park jong-bok daily life.
park jong-bok said, "Customers come over on weekends and work for about 360 days, and I have a lot of rest for five days." Since then, park jong-bok has shown a model of his consulting building. "This is a So Ji-sub building, this is a Seo Jang-hoon building," park jong-bok explained.
park jong-bok went to work at 5 a.m. park jong-bok went to work and showed his pride when he heard that his recommended sale had risen in price. The company operated by park jong-bok was a large company with 150 employees; Jang Yun-jeong was surprised that it was "not a Bokdeokbang feeling; it's a company."
park jong-bok used his meal time to meet with an acquaintance; park jong-bok predicted an area where the sale would rise as a Real estate consultant in 28 years. After the breakfast meeting, park jong-bok conducted a Real estate field survey with a new employee. park jong-bok handed down the Real estate investment honey tips by looking at Lee Mun-se and Oh Yeon-su Son Ji-chang.
Lee Yeon-bok Chef routine was then drawn; Lee Yeon-bok also worked as busy as the famous Chinese Chef. However, he showed his warmth by eating sweet and sour pork, rice, and kimchi stew.
When asked by Jun Hyun-moo, "When did you start working on a Real estate?", park jong-bok said: "I married in 1997; my honeymoon home was a branch office. It was 1.5 stories underground, and it was raining back. It was so sad because the children were bitten by ants. "
"I worked really hard to escape from the underground. I moved 26 times. I was a lawyer secretary, but I did not have much income. I was in charge of a lot of Real estate lawsuits, but those who did not have expertise did Real estate and lightly believed in Real estate agents. It was just my style," he said.
Lee Yeon-bok said of his salary, "Paycheck is frankly 10 million won per month. Home shopping income, broadcast performance fee, event performance fee This is not a certain income. "It's a corporate operator," replied Jun Hyun-moo, "you're looking for a lot of entertainer customers Lee Yeon-bok Restorant. "Is there a celebrity who comes often?" Lee Yeon-bok said, "It's not a name to mention. Celebrities provide a place for secret dates. I give a room when I go out because I do not know whether to marry or not. "
Jang Yun-jeong said: "I can feel the two people's textures are different here: Lee Yeon-bok Chef doesn't mention the real name. park jong-bok said, "So Ji-sub, Seo Jang-hoon talked about earlier." park jong-bok laughed, saying, "So I am light."
Jun Hyun-moo asked park jong-bok, who runs six corporate companies, "How many buildings do you have?" And park jong-bok said, "Apartment, six buildings except for houses. I do not think taxes are scary, but I hope you will invest boldly in what is worth rising. "
park jong-bok also unveiled his favorite building. park jong-bok said, "I recently bought one. Hannam-dong. It's a place I've been watching for five to six years. I just got paid for it because I had to buy it for 5.1 billion won. I wanted to pay the office.
"I don't do it in my name when I'm signing a Real estate contract. Send an agent. You can change your name until the date of designation. If you know that the contractor is me, you may ask for more prices, or you may think, "What is your plan?" The remittance is also in the name of another person. "
Lee Yeon-bok then gained YouTube advice from his acquaintances, took a picture of a novice YouTuber, and park jong-bok showed off his affection for a limited edition bike and emanated a charm of reversal.
In particular, park jong-bok confessed to having a stomach cancer surgery; park jong-bok said, "I did a health checkup and was diagnosed with early gastric cancer. The doctor said he had surgery and had not metastasized. He asked me to check again after six months.