Lee Kyung-kyu "Daughter Lee Ye Rim Kim Young-chan Wedding ceremony steaming gyeonggyu' I will shoot"

Lee Kyung-kyu heralds daughter Lee Ye Rim Wedding ceremony broadcast
Lee Kyung-kyu had time to communicate with viewers on the live talk steaming gyeonggyu' live talk 'Viewers' eyes' on June 30th.
Lee Kyung-kyu said, "Do you take Lee Ye Rim's Wedding ceremony with steaming gyeonggyu'?" Asked one viewer, "I will shoot only steaming gyeonggyu' team without any other camera."
As for footballer Kim Young-chan, Lee Ye Rim's prospective groom, "I'm good at football, it's the best defender. I would like to dare to suggest to the mentor director that 'Kim Young-chan should be used as a central defender'.
Lee Ye Rim is set to marry footballer Kim Young-chan (Gyeongnam FC) in the second half of this year.