Actors Jang Shin-young and Kang Kyung-joon decided to join the children to make Jeju Island year-old.
Jang Shin-young recently appeared as a cover model for the monthly magazine Sunday Seoul of a large-scale mart, telling stories about recent events.
“Our family is now living in Jeju Island Awol, and we are living in Jeju Island for a year,” Jang Shin-young said in an interview. I'm going back and forth between Seoul and Jeju Island, and the summer of Jeju Island is really good. “I don’t have any special plans, but I’m looking forward to summer in Jeju Island.”
“I wanted to create an environment where Corona gets worse and I can play as much as I want, and my husband really likes Jeju Island. “When I live in Jeju Island, I’m mostly in Seoul because of my big child, but sometimes I go down and come down for a week or so when I want to rest,” he said. “When a big child is on summer vacation, the whole family will go to Jeju Island and heal.”
Jang Shin-young, who is dedicated to childcare for the first and third years of age, recently said that he would like to play the hobby 'Golf', which he enjoyed with his husband Kang Kyung-joon, again if he can afford it.
“I think the couple decided to consider what they could have done during that period as the children’s schooling itself became difficult due to the Korona 19,” said a company official on the one-year Jeju Island of Jang Shin-young and Kang Kyung-joon.
“When I couldn’t go to school with Corona 19, I think I was going to try to kill Jeju Island,” the official said. But these days, I think I’m not going down to Jeju Island because I can go to school. I know I’m going back and forth.”
Jang Shin-young and Kang Kyung-joon are the actors who want to meet with viewers. The agency said, "We are considering the next work rather than the entertainment side. “I’m considering the next one because Jang Shin-young has not introduced himself to viewers for acting after giving birth,” he said.
Meanwhile, Jang Shin-young and Kang Kyung-joon married May 26, 2018; a year later, in September 2019, they held the second Jungwoo-gun in their arms. The marriage and childcare of the two people were revealed on SBS's Dongsangmong 2-You Are My Destiny, which drew attention.