Kang Kyung-joon' Jang Shin-young, such a beautiful chef...

Jang Shin-young posted a picture on his instagram with an article called Cooking.The photo shows Jang Shin-young, dressed as a chef, smiling at the camera, while she is not believed to be the mother of two children.Meanwhile, Jang Shin-young married Kang Kyung-joon in 2018; he is currently appearing on JTBCs Cooking - Birth of the Cooking King.
Jang Shin-young posted a picture on his instagram with an article called Cooking.The photo shows Jang Shin-young, dressed as a chef, smiling at the camera, while she is not believed to be the mother of two children.Meanwhile, Jang Shin-young married Kang Kyung-joon in 2018; he is currently appearing on JTBCs Cooking - Birth of the Cooking King.

Jang Shin-young posted a picture on his instagram with an article called "Cooking".

The photo shows Jang Shin-young, dressed as a chef, smiling at the camera, while she is not believed to be the mother of two children.

Meanwhile, Jang Shin-young married Kang Kyung-joon in 2018; he is currently appearing on JTBC's "Cooking - Birth of the Cooking King."