Group TOMORROW X Twogether delivered a pleasant message to listeners through EBS Listening.
On the 4th, EBS' Listening broadcast was decorated with the section of THE IDOL, an idol excavation grand operation that unearths the charm of idols. Girl group Rocket Punch appeared as a guest and had a pleasant conversation with TOMORROW X Twogether Taehyun and Huening Kai. Taehyun and Huening Kai said before the start, "I will try to find charm with responsibility as an idol and DJ." So Rocket Punch said, "I was so excited because I was the first to appear in 'listening'. “I am so grateful,” he replied.
The corner started in earnest, and various operations were held to discover the charm of the guest, such as personal period, comment introduction, and public disclosure. Taihun and Huening Kai filled the broadcast with various reactions, such as Rocket Punch members showing their vocal imitation personal period and saying, "I want to give you the same score." In particular, the TMI voice report, which confirms the TMI charm of Rocket Punch by receiving an anonymous report, creates an exciting atmosphere with the joke "Is there a lot of fun to talk about?" And "The fact that the staff members are reporting like this is the proof that Rocket Punch is loved by people around me"
In addition, Taehyun and Huening Kai not only shared their anecdotes and albums before their debut with Rocket Punch, but also conveyed their fun, communicating with each other through sections such as Listening News, which tells the news of a week of Listening, and Listening Bamboo Forest, which listens and sympathizes with the listeners, and played a perfect role as DJs.
TOMORROW X Twogether Taehyun and Huening Kai have been leading the program since January as DJs of 'Watching', the only radio program for Cheong Boy in Korea. The two are not only leading the broadcast with stable progress, but also getting a hot response from listeners by showing off their Perfect match Chemie with guest. It is held every Sunday at 7 pm.