In the photo, Park Seoham boasted a distinct features and overwhelming physicality. A casual trendy look with a shirt and knit layering, and a loose fit suit, creating a soft and gentle mood.
Park Seoham says nickname of 'fashion terrorist' is a recent worry
He said, "I tend to study by looking at celebrities who wear well, such as EXO Kai, senior Godseven, and Kim Nam-joon (RM) of bts, who is a friend of my senior Gods Seven, or searching for 'How to wear men's clothes' on YouTube. I think fashion is a sense, "he said, trying to escape the nickname of" fashion terrorist ".
"In order to raise 'feeling', we will meet fashion mentoring such as fashion designers, hip artists, and brand marketers to include the process of becoming a fashionista. I think it would be nice to include the process of growing enough to coordinate team members later. I will also show various stories of daily logs and beauty logs. "
Meanwhile, the group KNK, which Park Seoham belongs to, will come back in September.
Magazine 'Singles' pictorials for Sept