Choi Siwon, along with a picture of Instagram and a Telegram Direct Message (DM) window capture on his Instagram on the 1st, said: "I was informed that there was an account that funds donations by impersonating me. Please be careful. "
"We are sponsoring only official sites or legal foundations, nonprofit organizations within the boundaries of the law. I also do not ask for a 1:1 chat with my personal account in connection with the donation, "he said." Be careful! "
Photos posted by Choi Siwon show users who write photos such as Choi Siwon's Instagram profile photos encouraging donations to Choi Siwon's fans.
Choi Siwon is a member of the group Super Junior, which debuted in 2005. Super Junior was the sixth runner of SM X Naver Joint Project Online Pay Concert 'Beyond Live' on March 31, and performed 'Beyond the WWE Super Show-Down'.