‘Itaewon then write’ Park Seo-joon and Kim Dae-mi of deep eyes perfect this capture was.
JTBC gold store drama, ‘Itaewon then write’(directing Kim Sung-Yoon, a dimmer picture) side is the 11th broadcast ahead of 6, fond glances with each other for the night bird's(Park Seo-joon)and from(Kim Dae-mi), look to the public.
Public photo belongs to Joey's sad eyes into it. The tears and the trunk with the box and new this and that's what the curiosity stimulating. To Night new is the expression of the complex emotions interwoven are questions better.
Ahead of the public 11 times in trailer in “even once this to girls as seen?”Called Jang Geun-Soo(Kim Dong-hee)of stone fastball questions hesitate that night new, and to avoid the screwing in of a public bar. This itself followed a spiral box new in “love, love”to straight-Confessions is your one in the appearance of two people in the relationship and how changes can be noted.
6, broadcast 11 times in the most unexpected of chances, just a night sports car of the investments offered are night New, deeply distressed in the fall, on the one hand my heart to know that night new, and due to heartburn which is in The Shape of drawn. First love Oh Soo-Ah(the right one)towards the unchanging heart I had night new, the Joey in the Confessions is his mind to be reversible, this item is focused.
‘Itaewon then writing’ with the “Joey from night to new, to meet life first love Realize Have. Towards him not the mind the more you can't hide that from the honest and True Confessions is this that going to be the future, as the relationship between two people change, stay tuned to vary”and I was.
‘Itaewon Club Festival’ 11 to 6: 10 p.m. 50 minutes JTBC on the broadcast.