The late pd issued a statement on the 17th and denied all rumors, including that he was a member of the Ailbe of Emly or that he had dropped off using the Ailbe of Emly term on SBS TV Running Man' in the past.
"All of the Running Man' subtitles were handled by other pds, and I have never been in charge of such a task," he said. "I have never got off the Running Man' due to the controversy over Ailbe of Emly. At that time, the main pd was independent and suggested that we work together. "
"We have never done any community activities, including certain far-right sites. "This is a decisive truth that can not be conceded," he said. "If necessary, we are willing to accept all verification of personal access record servers."
"I would like to say that the fact that Miunderstock was caused by the inconsistency is not honorable for making and disseminating malicious false facts," said the pd. "Disseminating false facts for malicious slander is inevitable to take serious measures such as criminal prosecution to prove my integrity."
The pd also explained in detail how he wrote the controversial "no-man" subtitle in "Walkman".
"I used the language in the sense of 'the beginning of the (retirement) of the 18 (bath) dog' to express the situation where I suddenly have to do additional overtime, literally 'the situation where I am cursed'. However, if the Chinese character is not used, there will be a problem that the profanity is directly exposed.
"I wanted to understand it as a dog, and on the other hand, I thought about the language playful effect that I want to understand as the original meaning of labor, 'earning a working wage', and I did not think that the expression would be Misunderstood as a demeanor expression in use on a specific far-right site."
"I think that if the entertainment that should be a healing agent hurts even if I did not intend, I should bow down and apologize directly," he said. "I am so sorry and sorry."
"Malicious slander, criminal complaint...Walkman's "no-man" subtitles also explain