It thrilled lg Twins fans.
In 2020, first-choice rookie Lee Min-ho (18, Wheemungo) proved an outstanding pitching; he had a no-hit pitch in five innings, slamming fans' eyeballs before joining the club.
Lee Min-ho started in the fourth game of Group B qualifying with Nicaragua at the 29th World Baseball Softball Federation (WBSC) Under-18 Baseball World Cup at Hyundai Cha Dreamball Park in Busan on the 2nd, and played a perfect five-inning no-hitter. The team played a part in winning the rain cold game in the 9-0 and 6th innings.
He was brilliant with four pitches: a heavy fastball with a maximum speed of 148 km/h, which led to a nickaragua batter bat being lost. The catcher Kang Hyun-woo was strong enough to push Mitt back. The movement was also excellent.
"This year, we have the fastest arrest among high school students, and our potential as a Pitcher is the best (among the drafties)," said lg's Cha Myung-seok, who picked Lee Min-ho as the first nominee. Lee Min-ho proved that the manager's evaluation was moderate.
Kyonggi had fun with a slow curve of 110km early in the game, and the fifth pitch he threw to Carlos Bravo in the absence of a runner in the first inning. In the ball count 2-2, he pulled out a Bravo hut swing with a slow curve, sending it back to the turbulent dugout.
Seo Yong-bin, Sport Club do Recipe TV commentator, said, "Slow curves are effective because fastball is good."
When asked if it was the ball combination intended after Kyonggi, "I did not talk to Hyun-woo (Kang), but I was not in good condition today (the 2nd). "I was concerned that the batting would extend far because (the main weapon) sliders were hit, and (the slider) was a slow ball, so I chose a slower change ball, the slower curve," he explained.
Lee Min-ho was late on: he picked up the second pitch against the leadoff hitter Jorge Brook Lopez in the fifth inning, 4-0, neatly inducing a hurdle.
He threw another slider at the ball count 1-2. Hutswing. Speed and deflecting angle were all good. Brook Lopez dropped his head.
The forkball was good, too, and the crystal ball was a forkball when he struck out two of Ricardo Engira Masilamani in the third inning. Two powerful fastballs made a ball count 0-2 and then lost two Massu Engira Masilamani bats with a forkball that fell in the middle.
Lee Min-ho was greedy: he indicated he wanted to learn the fifth, specifically when asked which one he wanted to hone, the answer "change-up" quickly returned.
"I want to learn one more kind of thing, I want to hone my change-up, but it's not a problem I can decide. It's the area to discuss with coach, coach Pitcher, after joining (at lg, who nominated me), so for now, I'm just eating it."
He spoke as well as the fresh ball. He was sober, so polite. "I threw it with a determination to win unconditionally even if I was hit because I could not finish first in the group today (2nd)," a great Pitcher, who told a eighteen-year-old Pitcher, "Ma, I try to get a try."
The former South Korean team Kyonggi will be broadcast live on Sport Club do Recipe TV (spotv), Sport Club do Recipe TV 2 (spotv2) and Sport Club do Recipe TV Plus (spotv+). Online Sport Club do Recipets platform Sport Club do RecipeTibi Now (spotv NOW) is also available.