BTS meets 30,000 viewers at Germany Berlin Mercedes-Karl Benz Arena at 8 p.m. on Wednesday-17.
Concert tickets were sold nine minutes after they started selling on June 1. Mercedes - Karl Benz Arena is a large stadium where the 2015 League of Legends World Championship (Rolled Cup) was held.
BTS posted a picture and a picture on Twitter Inc. on "I'll see Berlin tomorrow."
Members took commemorative photos in front of Mercedes-Karl Benz Arena, Shpregang, and the East Side Gallery in central Berlin.
This place is all historic through Germany modern and contemporary history. In particular, the East Side Gallery is where the communist East German regime was built in 1961 under the pretext of "anti-fascio barrier" during the East and West German divisions, and then renovated part of the Berlin barrier that collapsed in 1989.
Germany fans are hot: Hundreds of fans are Camping altogether after hitting a tent in a park in front of Mercedes-Karl Benz Arena.
In response, Mercedes - Karl Benz Arena's operations team told Twitter Inc: 'No camps are allowed in our area. Camping fans demanded they leave the area - if things don't change, we will take further action with police,' the warning read.
Local media are also paying special attention. Germany entertainment media Bravo detailed BTS popularity in an article entitled 'Come to K-pop star BTS Berlin: The Performing Arts is Emergency'.
Bravo introduces the conflict between Mercedes-Karl Benz Arena and fans who want to see BTS at a distance even if they wait all night, saying, "It is clear that BTS is incredibly famous. The K-pop band is creating an emergency," the report said.
Mercedes Karl Benz Arena "will call police if Camping doesn't take down"