Recently, a number of movie officials said, "Park Hyung-sik was cast as the male protagonist of 'How did Juror'. "What is Juror," which was selected as the work of Busan Film Commission's 'Film Planning and Development Support Project', was the first Korean public participation trial in Daegu in 2008. It is a motif. A man named Juror in South Korea's first public participation trial draws 24 hours of struggling for the right verdict with other Juror. Park Hyung-sik comes to the court to apply for personal rehabilitation in the play, and then plays the role of a male actor who was selected as the first South Korean Juror. Park Hyung-sik predicted his first performance as a Top Model smoke stone in the acting in the 2010 idol group ZE:A member DeV and 2012 SBS special Drama 'Remember You'. Since then, SBS 'Drama Special - Sirius', TVN 'Nine Time Travel', SBS 'Heirs', KBS2 'Why are you family together', Mnet 'Save the Seven Wars', SBS 'Upper Society', KBS2 'Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth', JTBC ' He was recognized for his acting skills. Above all, Park Hyung-sik signed an exclusive contract with UAA, which belongs to Song Hye-kyo and Young-in after ZE:A was officially dismantled in April, and recently he has been active as an actor through KBS2 tree Drama 'Schutz'. Top Model in screen acting once through Huh Jin-ho's project short film "Two Lights: Lilumino" last year, he plays Top Model in his first authentic screen acting with "Juror." Meanwhile, "Juror" finishes casting a supporting role with the state and then takes a photo in the first film in the second half of the year =DB