Wang Ji-won, who is from the Royal Caribbean International Vallejo, is the top 0.001%. Chief Husband and 'Reversal story'

⁇ Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest ⁇ 0.001% While the top class couple Wang Ji-won and park jong-seok laughed in a Reversal story, Wang Ji-won confessed to the broadcast for the first time. Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 Season 2 - You are the first Vallejo or Vallejo Reno couple to appear in my destiny. On this day, Wang Ji-won introduced Husband, an idol merchant, and park jong-seok, a senior dancer. All of them were amazed at the combination of ⁇ Park Hyung-sik and Ong Seong-wu, and the body made of Vallejo was enormous. Vallejo's fate was two people. Wang Ji-won started Vallejo from the age of 5, and said that he was from the 5th grade, who was 12 years old. Wang Ji-won attended the ⁇ Concours and attended the senior entrance to the Shenhua Academy. At the age of 15, he studied at the Royal Caribbean International Vallejo School in England. Husband park jong-seok is also studying in England, which is difficult to try in 2002, and nowadays you admit that you have made your way. Wang Ji-won, who entered Korea National University of Arts early as a gifted student at the age of 18, finished his career for four years and then went to the National Vallejo Unit and quit and turned to actor. Vallejo showed a 17-year career world class. Husband park jong-seok also started Vallejo in the 5th grade, and he entered the same line in the same way. He answered that he was lucky to be a scout at the age of 19, and joined Vallejo in Washington. He was a Pennsylvania dancer at the age of 21. He is said to have worked as a principal dancer for the eighth year of the National Ballejo. Wang Ji-won is a senior dancer who has never been sick for a year. He introduces Husband, saying that he is like a star in the sky. It was a one-top couple with a 0.001% elite in Korea Vallejo. However, the two of them said, "Our couple is living a double life with two faces thoroughly." Reversal story threatening Wolkle career The two people who met at the mart after work were drawn. As soon as they met each other, they seemed to be disarmed. park jong-seok called Wang Ji-won a princess, nicknamed Princess Princess, and called Princess Princess, and dripped honey. Two people who arrived home after shopping like this. A cozy living room filled with pilates tools. It attracted attention to a small bedroom where only two people could live together. It was revealed that the reality of the newlyweds was revealed. It appeared with glasses on the hairpin. It turned out that both of them had bad eyesight. park jong-seok is more familiar with his wife Wang Ji-won at home, so she looks better with her glasses. She looks more beautiful when she works now, she looks so cute and she is in love. Husband exploded Lovely in a third person speech, and all of them stopped here, I'll get off. Reversal story Yes, Lovely is terrifying. Wang Ji-won can not win all day in Lovely bombing. Wang Ji-won was originally Lovely, but he was blunt, but he was influenced by Lovely. He was married because of Lovely. On the other hand, on the other hand, Wang Ji-won is going to have to talk about it. One day, I was told that it was a Gold spoon. I also talked about the fact that it was not about my family. It was about my family. It was not about selling it, it was about selling it. It was about selling it. And many misconceptions about the misfortune of 17 years of sacrifice and effort. . . Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest ⁇