The first episode of Suits, which aired on the 25th, further enhanced the fun of the drama through the appearance of Park Chul-soon (Lee Sang-soo) and Park Hyung-sik (Park Hyung-sik), who were more closely related to each other than their brothers. Park Chul-soon, who works as Sam's Club manager, introduced his genius Matching King to a chaebol 2-year-old guest and confirmed his genius Matching King. Park Chul-soon, who drank whiskey left by a guest in the Sam's Club kitchen, told Ko Yeon-woo, who had a cool game with the chaebol II. What the hell are you doing so good? What? You're scared of people than money? Don't be ridiculous. There is nothing funny like a person standing in front of money. "He said that he had different values in life, but he made the relationship between the two people who were closer than anyone else, and stimulated the curiosity of viewers. In the ensuing scene, Park Chul-soon handed Ko Yeon-woo a briefcase full of drugs and said, "Do you not need to know? You just throw it and get the money. "He suggested another opportunity. I do not care who he is, so I take it now. "He expressed his willingness to refuse, and looked at him eagerly and said," This is a really good opportunity! And soothed him! In the end, Ko Yeon-woo will inevitably leave the house with a briefcase due to the hospital expenses of his grandmother, and with this opportunity, he faces legendary lawyer Choi Kang-seok (Jang Dong-gun) at the interview site of a new lawyer for Kang & Ham, raising questions about the next story. As such, Lee Sang-ui has been active in the stage with the CRT, including the drama 'Sun of Questions', 'Spicy Relief Life', 'Andante', 'Manhole', musical 'Red Book', 'Me and Natasha and White Donkey', 'In the Heights', drama 'Taj Mahal's Guards', 'Crazy Kis'. Especially, since he showed high character synchro rate and stable acting ability for each work and proved his presence to the public, Lee Sang-ui has been pouring out of the first broadcast not only capturing viewers with intense and unique presence but also expecting more from his future activities by playing Park Chul-soon, who dreams of a room in life, in this work.
Park Hyung-sik, known mononymously as Hyungsik, is a South Korean actor, singer, and dancer. He is a member of the South Korean boy group ZE:A, and its sub-group ZE:A Five.